Letters to the Editor

Letter: Government overreach

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry reportedly picked a Catholic school as the venue to sign a bill — in effect, naming the Ten Commandments the greatest ones. Jesus disagrees. He said loving God and one’s neighbor as oneself are the greatest commandments. His Second Commandment requires me to oppose the government’s picking which law — Mosaic, Christian, Sharia — is better than the others.

Politicians have no business trying to convert me from Christian law to Mosaic law. Such meddling in my religious freedom violates it.

Posting the Ten Commandments won’t stop government officials from lying, stealing people’s rights, sexually assaulting women in the military, and starting immoral wars any more than the Pharisees in Jesus’ time stopped breaking laws they pretended to obey.

Let’s tell the 21st-century Pharisees to respect the Constitution and Jesus’s teaching: Don’t post the Ten Commandments; obey them.

— Geoff Kennedy


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