Letters to the Editor

Letter: Another option

William Hibler, in his thoughtful, if overly generous, letter on President Joe Biden’s handling/mishandling of the situation in Gaza, concludes by saying that he and many Alaska Democrats “grudgingly plan to vote for Biden because the alternative is worse.” He is, of course, referring to Donald Trump. He may be unaware that there is another alternative.

Cornel West, a true progressive, will appear on the ballot in Alaska in November. I will not use this space to sing his praises. If you are a progressive, sickened by the atrocities committed by the state of Israel against the civilian population of Gaza — more than 10,000 children have been killed — and if you recognize that President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and the Democratic Party are willing accomplices in these war crimes, find out who Cornel West is and find out what he stands for.

Progressives can send a strong message to the Democratic Party: We will no longer accept the “lesser of two evils.” We will have nothing to do with hypocrites who speak out against racism in the United States, only to support the state of Israel, one of the most racist places on the planet. Look up Cornel West.

— Kenneth Baitsholts


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