Letters to the Editor

Letter: Court's abortion politics

I found the Daily News’ headline about the Supreme Court’s decision “preserving” access to mifepristone, a drug used in medical abortions, a bit misleading. The court did not “preserve” access to mifepristone. It held that the plaintiffs who brought the lawsuit did not have “standing.” That is, they didn’t have the right to sue, because the FDA’s approval of mifepristone did not harm or injure them.

No one should interpret the decision as showing any greater respect for the constitutional right the court so abruptly destroyed two years ago. At best it suggests that the right-wing justices on the court have recognized how unpopular their decision overturning the right to abortion has proven, and wanted to avoid another bombshell ruling that would have harmed their party’s electoral chances this fall.

— John McConnaughy


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