Letters to the Editor

Letter: Age-based attacks

I’m waiting to hear our traditional voices defending the role of elder leadership in America.

The ageist attacks against Joe Biden are only that — prejudiced and phony. His speech issues are not an age-related “defect;” Biden has a lifelong speech impediment that he must manage. His mental acuity has been amply demonstrated. And yes, he slipped on a plane step once, fell off a bike once and got his directions confused a couple of times. Those events have been played on a loop by his political enemies who control enough public space that the public perceives Biden as physically diminished. I would like to see Donald Trump jog in the morning or do 20 pushups like Biden can!

I’m just sick of the false narrative that elder leadership is tantamount to defective leadership.

Defective leadership is what we get from the likes of Donald Trump, not Joe Biden.

— Elstun W. Lauesen


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