Letters to the Editor

Letter: Cyclists beware

This past week, I had to brake two different times to avoid hitting two cyclists on the streets of Anchorage.

Monday afternoon at about 4:30 p.m., I was making a right-hand turn from southbound Minnesota Avenue onto Spenard Road when an adult cyclist drove off the sidewalk onto the street about 20 feet shy of the crosswalk. If a car had been behind me, it would have likely rear-ended me.

Friday evening at about 8:30 p.m., as I was driving north on Muldoon Road, probably the jaywalking capital of Anchorage, I had slowed down as an adult cyclist on the sidewalk looked like he was out too far into the street. Just as I was within striking distance of him, he pushed out into the street as if he wanted to be hit. I came to an abrupt, complete stop as he pedaled between me and the car to my left, which had also stopped.

— Philip Dunne


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