Letters to the Editor

Letter: Voting for Trump

I am voting for Donald Trump; the four years he was president were the best I have ever had financially. Joe Biden has ruined my life and if he is reelected will continue to do it. He is a puppet and an arrogant do-nothing, enjoying being a millionaire fossil.

Here in Alaska, Biden’s policies are destroying this state, and all I care about is Anchorage and the state of Alaska. Due to Biden, I have had to come out of retirement to pay my bills, and I’m not happy about it — and many Alaskans are doing the same.

The new mayor, along with her Assembly friends, are going to ruin this city. Homelessness should not be the top priority; senior citizens should, as they are the ones suffering here, losing their homes, cars, et cetera. I hope when Trump gets in office we can prosper again. He’s got my vote.

Nick Danger


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