Letters to the Editor

Letter: Hunter Biden trial

The trial of Hunter Biden has been in the news, but I’ve been at a loss to understand what crime was committed. While my father, a respectable physician, carried a .44 Magnum and wore a flannel suit like “Dirty Harry,” I don’t believe “taking up the sword” with a weapon is the answer. But a public figure’s private life, including use of chemical substances, whether it’s for medical reasons or vigilante self-medicating, is not for public drama.

So-called “covering up” private use of herbs and pharmaceuticals or alleged addictions is totally subjective and has nothing to do with a respectable citizen’s purchase of a firearm to protect themselves from government or private witch-hunts or street criminals. Thugs use drugs, not political families. And it is not the job of weapons salesmen to ask private citizens for a “gun resume” and a note from their psychiatrist.

The state should have no authority to label citizens as “felons” for arbitrary legalistic rules. They lost that one with illegal mandated so-called “germ controls.” A felon should be someone who has committed capital offenses, not those who are caught with the wrong-colored pill.

— Harold Edgar Bartko


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Harold Bartko

Harold Bartko Jr. is a 53-year resident of Alaska and former abuser of alcohol.