Letters to the Editor

Letter: Where there's smoke

Found guilty by a jury of his peers, no special treatment, no special agenda. The jury heard the evidence and rendered a verdict, that’s all. Donald Trump was found guilty. Our system worked.

However, if you are a Republican and have bought the hogwash Trump has been serving, the immediate reaction is denial. Oh, the howling and screaming about how Trump has been persecuted for so many years. Facts are not at all the basis of any of this outcry. Simply put, it’s another injustice they deem outrageous.

The smoke they try to create ignores reality and the truth. It’s just another rant that means absolutely nothing.

If you take the time to actually look at why this former impeached president has multiple criminal cases brought against him, you must conclude something is amiss with this guy. No one in history has so many issues of bad deportment, outright lies and reality denial.

God help us all if in fact he gets reelected. I’m betting on a better America whose people won’t let that happen.

— Gregory Carr


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