Letters to the Editor

Letter: Not above the law

Donald Trump has been found guilty in his “hush money” trial. This is not a surprise to clear-thinking individuals, and not because the case was “politically motivated” as clearly politically motivated Republicans have been saying for months in a classic case of projection.

To those of us who have been closely following Trump’s lifelong corrupt presence in America — ramped up in 2016, when he laughably decided he was qualified to lead America as President — his conviction was no surprise.

Nor should it have been for any honest person. But Trump’s supporters are in general not honest with themselves as regards Trump, so their denial is to be expected.

This is most obvious in Trump’s own politically motivated loyalists, like our own Gov. Mike Dunleavy, who mistakenly stated, “The majority of people following these cases believe they are politically motivated to harm President Trump’s chances at winning in November.”

No, Gov. Dunleavy, the majority of informed people following these cases do not believe that; we believe that it is past time Mr. Trump is held accountable for flouting and brazenly breaking the law in the same way the rest of us are held accountable when we do the same. No one is above the law in America.

— Michael Boshears


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