Letters to the Editor

Letter: 'Peach Pit' eyesore

After reading the May 26 article about the destruction of the Fourth Avenue Theatre and the associated buildings in that block, as well as the ballooning development estimates and the photograph of the hole in the ground, I hereby dub the project “The Peach Pit and the Bushel of Poppycock.”

Look how long it took to renovate the bank building on Fifth Avenue and F Street closing F Street at the visitors’ cabin. Look how long Fourth Avenue and G Street were reduced to a single lane in the heart of downtown for the demolition. Look how the project has gone from an estimated $90 million to $300 million in a little under three years, and know that in the next five years, it may well be a nearly $1 billion project, to be abandoned after losing the history of this city and the massive inconvenience to travel downtown.

What we will have left is a “Peach Pit” surrounded by a fence resembling a basket filled with the poppycock used to support the destruction of a nationally registered historic place.

— Jerome McArthur


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