Letters to the Editor

Letter: Faith in LaFrance

I am writing about the ADN editorial printed on May 19. You wrote that Suzanne LaFrance should not behave like the Dave Bronson administration, with an “opaque management style, incompetence and a willingness to lie to the public about its actions.” You cautioned her that she should be aware that many people did not vote for her, and she needed to also serve them.

Of course, Suzanne LaFrance will be different from Dave Bronson. That’s why she spent the last year running for mayor. She is a smart analytical thinker who will hire professional managers, lead with clarity and model ethical behavior. She is a gifted listener who can make decisions in the public interest. She is a calm, courteous and articulate woman.

In the debate between the candidates, LaFrance said, “It’s not about red or blue, left or right. It’s about our community. And it’s about working together. And we have this tremendous opportunity at the local level, to put aside the stuff at the state and federal level that divides us, and really make progress to make our community a better place. It’s about problem-solving,” I believe Suzanne LaFrance will be a stellar mayor who will bring us together to strengthen Anchorage so it will be a vibrant city that will entice our brightest young people to stay and build a prosperous future here.

— Jane Angvik


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Jane Angvik

Jane Angvik is a former member of the Anchorage Charter Commission that wrote the charter for the Munipality of Anchorage. She also served two terms as a member of the Anchorage Assembly.