Letters to the Editor

Letter: Correcting the record

Given the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council’s recent attempt to mislead the public regarding its position on tanker whalestrike risk, it is important to correct the record. When the group considered our proposed resolution asking the tanker owners to voluntarily slow their tankers to 10 knots to reduce the risk of whale strikes, underwater noise, and air pollution in the Sound, the council voted 12-3 in opposition, precisely what the oil industry wanted. Given such an overwhelming vote against taking action, the council’s offer to write a “letter of concern” on the issue rings hollow, and will accomplish little.

On our proposed resolution requesting Congress to amend federal law to require full redundancy on all new-build oil tankers, the council didn’t even consider the resolution. Pretense aside, this is the factual record of the Council’s May 3 meeting.

— Rick Steiner


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