Letters to the Editor

Letter: A message of gratitude

On the morning of April 29, my goddaughter was involved in a pedestrian vs. tractor-trailer accident on the Glenn Highway. She is alive and stable but has a very, very difficult road to recovery. But her family knows the reality that “recovery” will never be the person everyone knew and loved.

Our hearts and sympathy go out to the gentleman driving the truck who was the other victim in this tragic incident. We can only imagine the shock and horror he went through and is still feeling. Please rest in knowing you have no responsibility for this incident and did everything you could to avoid what eventually happened.

To all the witnesses, to the first responders, Anchorage police and fire department, Alaska State Troopers, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson military police, and the entire emergency room, intensive care unit and surgical staff at Providence Hospital, a huge thank-you for all you did and caring for her.

Thank you to all her friends, pastors, colleagues and our Veterans Affairs family for your support, prayers and love during this difficult time. But a special and sincere thank-you to the generosity and kindness shown by the owners and employees of Payless Towing.

I went with her mother to recover the vehicle the day after the accident. Payless Towing was closed but had someone come to the impound yard to open up, took care of paperwork and let us retrieve the car – not involved in the accident — without charging her mother a cent! To Payless Towing, a huge thank-you for your kindness and well wishes.

To everyone, thank you and your continued support and prayers are greatly appreciated!

— Patrick Ozment, for Dr. Cynthia Joe



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