Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank you, ADN

This morning, reading Julia O’Malley’s commentary on homelessness and Midtown Anchorage, tears welled up in me. I realized how much sadness I carry around in me without quite realizing it. I have no idea how to solve homelessness in Anchorage and get a feeling of helplessness when I see it.

The reality is there is no simple fix and certainly no total fix.

But a thank-you to Julia O’Malley and the Anchorage Daily News for speaking to the issue is in order. It begins a conversation with one’s self, the general public and the community in general. It addresses the elephant in the room we drive by most days. And personally, it makes me think I could do more.

The Daily News is a beacon of light in Anchorage with its accurate news coverage. I’m thankful each day I get up and there is a paper in the driveway that keeps me informed on what is happening in Anchorage. These are trying times, and thank you to Julia O’Malley and the ADN.

— Kathy Collins


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