Letters to the Editor

Letter: A reluctant no

The Anchorage School District and School Board are putting those of us who have always supported education in a terrible situation.

Proposition 1′s largest indebtedness is for Inlet View Elementary School. This bond contains the final installment, $19 million for the $50 million building. Please remember that we already voted against the last school bond primarily because of the lack of support for this replacement school, which would be far more expensive than a remodel. The money asked for this replacement school is excessive as we struggle to keep the other schools open and funding for the programs that already exist.

We can remodel Inlet View and have millions to spread throughout our district for all the children and teachers of Anchorage.

An Oct 1, 2023, article in ADN regarding school closures states they are still on the table, but not until 2025. Inlet View Elementary will be being built “brand new,” even as we may be closing other schools for lack of funds. This has no logic.

For these reasons, I reluctantly must vote against Proposition 1. I ask Anchorage voters to consider what ASD has done to push this new building and its costs on us. This will be the second time in my life I will vote no on an education proposition or bond. I urge Anchorage voters to do the same.

— Kelly Merritt


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