Daylight Saving Time makes absolutely no sense to follow in our “Land of the Midnight Sun.” We could emulate Arizona and Hawaii and keep standard time. Doctors support standard time because it aligns with our circadian rhythm. Getting up early in the mornings to watch the sun slowly illuminate the eastern sky above the mountains brings joy to my heart. However, rising at the same time to an almost midday sun does not.
Our Legislature can keep standard time, and I wish that they would. I’ve been told that keeping standard time will not happen here because it is all about tourism. This puzzles me because we have so much daylight during the summer. Tourists will travel here regardless of the time zone. I can only hope that one day, Alaska will stay on standard time to support our circadian rhythm and to bring pleasure to those of us who start our days watching the sun quietly brighten the morning sky.
— MaryBeth Printz
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