Letters to the Editor

Letter: Anchorage's snow problem

Anchorage, a winter city, is no stranger to snow.

Despite the annual snowfall, the snow gets cleared most years, and life goes on. However, the past two years have been different.

Streets and sidewalks have gone unplowed for weeks.

Although our snow removal contractor cleared the association property, the city road leading toward the property remained unplowed. I had to take the bus to work.

The snow is not just an inconvenience; it’s a real problem affecting everyone in the community. People cannot get to work or scheduled appointments, and schools are canceled.

Anchorage is a strong community, but the current situation tests our resilience. It is not just about clearing the snow; it is about responsibility.

The city authorities must take responsibility and promptly clear the streets and sidewalks.


They also need to communicate with the residents and businesses about the snow removal process and how they can help.

— Hal Gazaway


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