Letters to the Editor

Letter: More compassionate health care

I am writing to voice my strong support for Senate Bill 91, a pivotal piece of legislation that addresses not only the pressing issues surrounding telehealth in Alaska but also sheds light on a critical aspect of health care often overlooked in our state.

SB91 is not just about expanding telehealth services; it is about recognizing the unique challenges faced by individuals in Alaska, particularly those dealing with end-of-life care. Our state currently lacks ‘death with dignity’ laws, and as a result, many individuals, after reaching a point where travel becomes impossible, endure unnecessary suffering without access to their trusted care teams.

This legislation is an important step toward alleviating this situation by allowing multidisciplinary care teams to provide telehealth services. It acknowledges the reality that, for many Alaskans, their care team is not just a group of professionals but a lifeline of support and understanding. SB91 ensures that individuals facing life-limiting conditions can continue to receive compassionate care from their established care teams even when travel is no longer feasible.

In advocating for telehealth, SB91 not only embraces the technological advancements in health care but also stands as a beacon of compassion for those who, due to their circumstances, might otherwise be left without the comfort and expertise of their care providers. By extending telehealth services to those in need, especially during challenging end-oflife stages, SB91 embodies the values of empathy, dignity and quality health care that our state should strive to uphold.

I strongly urge our legislators and community members to support SB91. In doing so, we can ensure that Alaskans facing difficult circumstances have the option of a more humane and compassionate health care experience.

— Brooke Lavender


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