Letters to the Editor

Letter: Veto override

I have been very interested in the possibility of a reversal of Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto of the one-time funding boost for education. I understand that there is a possibility of raising this issue again in the first week of the 2024 legislative session. I worked as a classified employee of the Kenai Peninsula School District and am retired now but have grandchildren in public school. Our future depends on the education of our youth. We need more scientists to study and come up with ideas to solve our air and water problems, such as the new migration patterns of salmon in a warmer ocean. We need engineers for the future of our natural resources. We need educated young people with innovative ideas to fill our Alaska jobs and government.

We also need happy teachers, who can count on an income that will sustain them and provide for the increasing housing and food costs, so they don’t need to work two jobs, which many of them currently do.

I hope the Legislature will consider a vote to reverse the effects of the veto so Alaska can have the best future possible.

— Cindy Koplin


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