Letters to the Editor

Letter: Anchor Rides

Because of technology, Anchor Rides schedules are done by computer. They are also shorthanded for drivers.

But if you’ve been late for doctor appointments and then not been able to make appointments and have to wait for a later time or are being charged a fee for missing appointments due to circumstances that aren’t your fault, please call and let them know what is happening.

They cannot fix it if they have not been informed. When drivers call dispatch, they can make a doctor’s appointment a priority. Save gas, and have happy customers. Call 907-343-8246 or email titlevi@muni.org to schedule a ride.

This can be fixed if they know about all the missing appointments. There were three of us who missed appointments that day. I’ve been riding for 25 years, and it was never a problem before.

— Shirlene Amberg


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