Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump isn't the guy

This letter is a response to Nick Begich III’s commentary of Dec. 6, ‘It’s time to be honest about Donald Trump.’

Nothing is honest about Trump. And to think that he would be a good president for Alaska is absurd. Yes, he may have helped the development of our natural resources, but to the detriment of our forests, lakes, mountains, and wildlife.

The Tongass Forest needs to remain a beautiful forest. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge needs

to remain a place where the Porcupine caribou herd can continue to calve and summer.

Begich further used his commentary to bad-mouth President Joe Biden and Rep. Mary Peltola. An editorial could be written about all of the things that Biden has done for Alaska.

I’m sorry, but I think Donald Trump is a really bad choice not only for Alaska but also for any state in our great United States of America. He is a criminal and a liar, he cares only about himself and will use whatever means, no matter how unscrupulous, to win an election. He has done everything in his power to undermine our democracy.

I love my country. I want a president who believes in human-caused climate change and sets forward policies that support the science to combat it. I want a president who works with other nations to stop the spread of war and terrorism. I want a president who works for the people of this country and not for himself or herself. Begich — believe me, Donald Trump is not that candidate.


— Barbara J. Burch


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