The tragedy of the Office of Public Advocacy to provide adequate public guardians may seem abstract to many, but affects us all - as it contributes to homelessness.
Bear in mind that some of the most visible and troubled unhoused people would benefit from a guardian, because of severe mental illness and/or cognitive impairment. As a doctor who works with some of them, I suspect that we need more, not fewer, guardians.
The recently reported failure of a private guardian led to some of his clients losing housing or benefits. This is how people end up on the street.
There are many reasons for the increase in unhoused citizens, but the failures of Alaska’s safety net - the prolonged loss of food stamps, lengthy delays getting on Medicaid, and the multiple Medicaid disenrollments - certainly contribute.
The Anchorage Assembly and Mayor Dave Bronson are correct in calling for the state government to help the city with its homeless crisis. Fixing the shameful holes in our safety net would help.
— Dr. Madeleine Grant
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