Letters to the Editor

Letter: Lackluster snow response

The snow removal issue in our city continues. I left Anchorage for nine days in the middle of November and returned thinking that the roads would be much better than they were when we left.

I was very disappointed to return to the same mess. The only difference I see is what Mother Nature did by giving us exceptionally warm weather.

Not just neighborhoods, but the thoroughfares still have snow packed alongside them. Neighborhood streets are down to one lane, creating problems of their own. The main two-lane roads are down to one-and-a-half lanes. These are very dangerous, with our “need for speed” approach to driving.

The problem is not just snow plowing; I see very little to no snow removal at all. It’s a big job, but one our municipality needs to get a handle on. Some of it needs to be removed to make our roads safer for everyone.

Sidewalks were and are a shame. People have to take their lives in their hands to walk on the already unsafe roads.

They need a much higher priority.

We are in Alaska and will continue to get snow. Mother Nature is in charge, and we are given the responsibility to clean up after her. I ask the mayor to move this issue up on the priority list and get that job completed.


— Gene Sanderson


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