Letters to the Editor

Letter: A much-appreciated interfaith gathering

Bravo to the Interfaith Council of Anchorage and the First Christian Church that hosted the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve Gathering. It was an uplifting and joyous event.

The gathering included participants from several faith communities, including Indigenous, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Unitarian, and the Bahá'í Faith. Prayers and songs were heard in English, Ukrainian, Hebrew, ‘Lingit, and Athabascan.

The entire program provided American Sign Language interpretation.

The gathering celebrated and recognized our fundamental oneness of humanity and religion. Pastor Paul Boling shared the closing blessing with gratitude felt by all who were present, that we can experience unity with each other in such a fragmented world. Thank you, Interfaith Council and First Christian Church, for such an inspiring event.

— Karl Schleich


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