Letters to the Editor

Letter: Gratitude for trail champions

I wanted to take a moment to share my enthusiastic and heartfelt appreciation for our neighbors and friends who keep Southcentral Alaska’s exceptional trail systems passable and maintained through the dynamic vicissitudes of inclement weather, see-sawing temperatures, unsteady funding streams, jurisdictional quagmires, and varied use considerations.

A huge thank you to all the tireless groomers, plowers, volunteers, skiers, runners, walkers, dog walkers, fast walkers, fat bikers, occasional campers, dope-smoking teens, overbearing athlete parents and poop conspiracists — fat tire bikers and their dogs contribute more than their fair share of excrement — for together ensuring our continued, convenient and affordable access to those most powerful prophylactics — the fresh air and great outdoors of our beautiful state.

See you out there!

— Dune Strickland


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