Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good bipartisan government

The ADN’s Nov. 9 opinion page included several letters — John Lapkass and Louis Dupree — and a commentary by Larry Persily which highlighted the disastrous direction of our state government by the Dunleavy administration and what might happen at the federal government level were Trump to be elected.

The Republicans at federal and state levels strive for total control of our democracy to dictate laws and regulations to suit their needs only. This includes immigration (none), gun control (none), abortion (none), education (no public), and no diversity of our population. They prefer Trump because they know he will approve any legislation they submit; he would build a wall around the entire United States, his kingdom, reduce all government agencies to ineffective agencies, and apply tariffs on all foreign-produced goods.

Let us strive to elect good legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, and keep Joe Biden in the White House.

— Dean W. Nelson


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