Letters to the Editor

Letter: An old conflict

The growing protests, letters, and speeches about the Gaza conflict are encouraging in that they show how concerned and caring the world is about the issues inPalestine/Israel. What isn’t so encouraging are the attempts to silence either side from stating their views. U.S. politicians from Barack Obama down are accused of antisemitism and supporting terrorism and hatred of Israel by merely suggesting that America, Israel, and others may share responsibility in this conflict.

Democratic nations have the responsibility of vetting all sides of an argument, not suppressing discourse. Wounds will not heal by covering them up and pretending they aren’t there.

One hundred-plus years ago, Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis studies discovered that to cure aberration, the roots of trauma must be confronted from all angles, faced and eradicated in this manner — otherwise, scars will fester, grow, and reinflame repeatedly. How many more wounds have been created today as more and more wounds are applied atop older festering wounds as a cure?

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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