Letters to the Editor

Letter: Featuring Quinhagak archaeology

Special appreciation to ADN for Sunday’s front-page photos (Marc Lester) and story (Zachariah Hughes) featuring the legacy of “the old village” of Quinhagak. You gave us a powerful reminder that Westerners are newcomers to Alaska; that as far back as 1600, during the Little Ice Age, hunter-gatherer communities were living here successfully.

The story and photos also had the value of highlighting a respectful and very collaborative relationship between the local community and the researchers. Artifacts and cultural materials will be kept in the community at the Nunalleq — the old village — Museum. In August, the community celebrated the researchers’ new finds with a “show and tell” including a potluck and a dance performance.

— Janet McCabe


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Janet McCabe

Janet McCabe is a member of Alaska Common Ground and a former Anchorage city planner.