Letters to the Editor

Letter: Radioactive water dumping

What a surprise to find that Japan has elected to dump its diluted radioactive water from the damaged Fukushima power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Most of the world lives on fish products, and these folks are only sharing their own problem with the rest of the world. Like the passenger pigeon and the wild buffalo, is their thinking that the ocean is so big this couldn’t possibly have an effect on such a large body of water?

Why is the remainder of the world so silent on sharing this issue? Do Alaskans know what the Japanese Current is? The coast of China and the Alaska coast will be the lucky recipients of these radioactive goodies before they make an exit down America’s Pacific coast. Our Kodiak coasts are littered with Japanese garbage. I have been there and seen it.

I cannot believe the world has not raised hell about this. Where the hell is the United Nations? Are our oceans not worth raising hell about? Now more than ever, I am convinced we are very poor stewards of the Earth we were born to.

— Dennis Lattery


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