Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep religion out of schools

As Thomas Paine wrote in 1794, “Putting aside everything that might excite laughter by its absurdity, or detestation by its profaneness, and confining ourselves merely to an examination of the parts, it is impossible to conceive a story more derogatory to the Almighty, more inconsistent with his wisdom, more contradictory to his power, than this story is.”

Paine was referring to the Christian story about Jesus, “to be at once both God and man, and also the Son of God, celestially begotten, on purpose to be sacrificed, because they say that Eve in her longing had eaten an apple.” Mr. Paine is the real patriothere. Thomas Paine, not Jesus, is one of the men credited with coming up with the name of our country.

Thank you to school teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, commissioners and governors, for keeping Jesus stories out of our elementary schools. To include them would be unconstitutional and not what our tax dollars or public schools are for.

And, please remember to be nice to people. Having different ideas or information is normal, as is sharing them. That is how we learn.

— Dave Carter


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