Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump is not above the law

The evidence contained in the most recent indictment against Donald Trump should disturb every American. Trump threatened the very bedrock of American democracy.

Knowing he lost the 2020 presidential election, Trump cooked up numerous illegal schemes to stay in power, including pressuring state officials to overturn the will of voters and counterfeiting electoral certificates that declared him the winner. He and his cronies leaned on everyone they could to carry out their plans, including former Vice President Mike Pence, who refused.

When they couldn’t steal the presidency through phony paperwork or throwing out votes, they rioted in our nation’s Capitol in an attempt to stop the election from being certified.

These crimes are too serious to be ignored. That’s exactlywhy a grand jury of everyday Americans decided thatTrump should be indicted on four criminal counts, including conspiracy against the right to vote. We the American people choose our leaders, not the other way around. When we go to cast our ballots, we should be confident thatour vote will be counted, no matter our political party. We shouldn’t have to worry about power-hungry officials throwing out votes that they don’t like to try and keep control.

Trump must be held accountable for his crimes, just like anyone else would be, and our elected officials must allow a trial to proceed without political interference.

— Melanie Baker


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