Letters to the Editor

Letter: Basic services

I recently assisted volunteers who have been feeding people two days a week at Third Avenue and Ingra Street. In the blazing sun, I witnessed a water truck deliver city water for the sole one-hour period it comes to the camp. There was a hose. There were no clean containers for people to carry water in that delivery truck. I asked how often water is offered. Once a day for one hour was the response by the kind city worker.

This led me to inquire about available bathrooms. For hundreds of campers, there are three port-a-potties that remain full and are rarely cleaned.

People were very polite as they walked up to receive generous soup portions donated by a kind soul — two people who have been using their own time to cook and deliver a wholesome meal twice a week.

I want people to know that sanitation and clean water are not a priority for the municipality with regard to people experiencing homelessness in our city.

— Laura Kimmel


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