Letters to the Editor

Letter: Where’s the positive press for Bronson?

You know this Bronson character, our mayor, gets a lot of negative press, but I’ve got to hand it to him.

He not only has made the administrations of former regressive mayors like Tom Fink and Dan Sullivan look like the golden age of enlightenment, but he also has, by giving almost every homeless mentally ill individual in the state of Alaska a tent, returned us to our roots as a tent city.

And what a city it is becoming. Just in the past few days, a woman standing on the island on the Seward Highway talking on a phone she doesn’t have. A fellow just off Denali Street just peeing in the road, and my personal favorite, having to go back into the library to fetch a security guard because a man is yelling at my car and preventing me from getting in. Oh, and let’s not forget the extra security at Safeway and Fred Meyer. Locked restrooms that I guess, if you needed to use, you could find a supervisor to let you in, that is if they were not busy chasing down thieves.

I don’t know what the delay is with opening the former Golden Lion and other facilities, but these individuals need help, and some basic human dignity of showering, clean clothes, and shelter. Tents ain’t the answer, but boy howdy the tourist slide shows of Anchorage sure are going to be interesting.

— Stefanie Coppock


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