Letters to the Editor

Letter: Where is Dunleavy?

So the governor vetoes the very small one-time increase that was agreed on in a compromise by the Alaska Legislature. He says that he “looks forward to” discussing a long-term fiscal plan with the Legislature. Well, where has he been for the last six months? There was vague talk of a sales tax, no details, nor a bill. Nor were there any other specifics discussed in public. And where was he during the final days of the legislative session, always a critical time? Oh, he went on a charity bear hunt; that, apparently, was more important than being a governor, leading, talking to legislators, talking to the press and Alaskans.

And where is he now? Hiding again. Why isn’t the governor standing in front of reporters — or better yet doing town halls — to explain and justify his cuts, and also to let us know his ideas for a long-term fiscal plan?

Alaskans: Call or email the governor.

Alaskan legislators: Override this veto.

— Dr. Madeleine Grant


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