Sen. Dan Sullivan and the other pro-Trump Republican political leaders have attacked the Department of Justice for the indictment of former President Donald Trump, over his alleged violation of federal law pertaining to taking and keeping top secret records. They do not even acknowledge the possibility that conduct by former President Trump violates federal law but instead attack professional law enforcement officers. This is shameful conduct by Sullivan and other pro-Trump politicians.
The attacks on the Department of Justice are even more shameful, because Sullivan, as an attorney and former attorney general for the state of Alaska, knows how the criminal justice system works. He knows that professional prosecutors may only bring charges if the facts and law support the charges. The consequences of bringing unfounded charges are very significant. If a prosecutor brings charges that are not justified by the law and the facts, a jury will find the defendant not guilty. But, that is assuming the trial judge has not dismissed the case before it ever reaches the jury.
Any prosecutor bringing a meritless case risks their professional reputation as well as their license to practice law because lawyers, unlike politicians, are bound by a code of ethics. A violation of the code of professional conduct can lead to disbarment.
The grand jury indictment of former President Trump is not a political stunt by the Democrats or the Biden administration. It is what happens when laws are violated and facts justify charges.
The shameful attacks on the Department of Justice by Republican politicians are nothing more than pandering to Trump’s supporters, people who are willing to believe anything he says.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s response to the indictment was professionally and politically appropriate. She emphasized that the laws of this nation require prosecutors to prove criminal cases beyond a reasonable doubt and that the accused is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. This is the sort of response Sullivan and others should have publicized.
Unfortunately, we have come to expect shameful conduct from members of the Grand Ole Party, the party which used to stand for “law and order.” It’s time for reasonable Republicans to retake the party.
— Elliott T. Dennis
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