Letters to the Editor

Letter: Homelessness leadership

The May 7 commentary “Let’s prioritize year-round shelter” by Dave Bronson and Alexis Johnson was fairly encouraging. They made positive suggestions for solutions. However, the article closed a bit oddly when it said, “It is time for our leaders to act and make year-round low-barrier shelter a priority.” Dave Bronson, elected in 2021, is the mayor of Anchorage. Alexis Johnson serves as homeless coordinator for the Municipality of Anchorage. They are the leaders. They are in the position to keep year-round shelter a priority subject and on the table at all times.

An issue kept at the forefront cannot be ignored forever. They are right, though; it is time for our leaders to act. Driving back to Cooper Landing from Soldotna, we passed the manufactured “garden shed” exhibition in Sterling. As usual, I was amazed by the number of sheds built and set out to be purchased. Kate said something about “homeless shelters.”

Why not? Already-built small shelters would be cost-efficient to insulate and set up in appropriate areas. It’s time for our leaders to use their imagination and follow through with what is available.

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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