Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vote for change at Chugach Electric

Cheap energy is now clean energy. Because current Chugach Electric leadership has put Alaska in a place where we will need to import liquefied natural gas in the future, transitioning our electric grid to more environmentally friendly alternatives is better for our community and our wallets.

If your name is on the electric bill, you have the opportunity to elect three board members that will advocate for our well-being: Shaina Kilcoyne, Susanne Fleek-Green and Jim Nordlund. I encourage you to consider these candidates and cast your ballot for whom you feel will be best for our state. On April 19, all members were emailed a code to use to log in and vote on the Chugach Electric website.

If you didn’t receive a code, check your spam box or call Chugach at 907-646-7394. Alaska is my home, and I, like you, want to see us thrive not only now, but for generations to come. Now is the time for cheap and clean.

— Isaac Pacor


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