Letters to the Editor

Letter: Unspeakable tragedy

I am horrified by the tragedy that unfolds in our country almost daily. As an Alaskan, I support responsible gun ownership. As an American, I am disgusted by the political opportunism that surrounds this tragic subject. We are living in times of deep political division and hypocrisy. Restricting access to women’s health care, yet enabling access to deadly weapons that indiscriminately take the lives of our young and old, innocent and vulnerable, without recourse. My heart goes out to the families of those tragically lost to senseless gun violence.

It would seem to be such a simple issue in which to find political courage and common purpose. To work together in shared interest to protect and promote the values of a nation committed to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all citizens.  The statistics are telling. Those states with reasonable gun ownership laws have the least gun deaths. These are the states that require background checks and waiting periods, and restrict access to assault rifles. Nationally, Alaska ranks 6th in gun deaths; Hawaii is 50th (the least). Mississippi is 1st; Massachusetts is 49th.  

I feel for our public safety professionals, the police officers and first responders, who we call on to defend us when tragedy strikes. They put their life on the line to protect us, yet are faced with ever-increasing risk and challenges with the proliferation of deadly assault weapons.

This is not a mental health issue, it is a public health and safety issue. It is an issue that speaks to the fabric of our great nation, transcends the power politics of today and cries out for political strength and fortitude. It’s the responsibility of those we elect to protect each of us, every day. Please work harder at finding common sense solutions that will mitigate future tragedies and the loss of innocent lives.

— Lloyd Stiassny


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