Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trapping and the Game Board

I had the privilege to again testify at the Board of Game meeting in Soldotna on Friday, March 17. The board has many issues to contend with and it is appreciated that they listen to individual comments. My focus of concern was and is, as always, trapping and trapping setback regulations in the Cooper Landing area.  An Alaska Trappers Association representative was present to speak out against rules to be placed on trappers. This was not unexpected, opposing new trapping regulations.

The argument is familiar — that more than 90% of trappers are responsible and won’t trap irresponsibly. There is never statistical evidence to back up this claim, but many people seem to accept it as fact. This gives trapping an unusual pass that it doesn’t deserve considering the many incidents of dogs caught, maimed and killed in traps set in many places all across Alaska.

But what finally struck me later at home was the realization that if trappers are responsible, why do they cling so desperately to their “trappers’ right to trap irresponsibly?” Why hold onto “irresponsible rights” to trap in campgrounds, at boat launches, on trails, in road pullouts, in neighborhoods, and even by school yards? These trapping rights make no sense.

The truth is that traps are often set irresponsibly. Trappers need to relinquish these dangerous and intimidating “rights.” The right for trappers to be irresponsible is excess luggage that no one needs.

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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