Letters to the Editor

Letter: A big pay raise

Wow, that was fast! Earlier this month, legislators unanimously rejected a pay increase for top government officials proposed by the Alaska State Officers Compensation Commission because their pay remained stagnant. That’s after rejecting a new payment package proposed by the ASOCC last year that would have lowered legislators’ compensation.

Then, all the ASOCC commissioners were abruptly replaced by the governor. The next day, ASOCC waived rules designed to give the public time for input and unanimously submitted a new compensation package that raises legislators’ salaries by $33,600. This generous pay increase will go into effect unless the Legislature votes to reject it — fat chance.

That means that it took less than 24 hours to make sure that legislators and other top government officials get a fat pay raise. Too bad teachers, public safety officers and other vital state workers don’t seem to merit the same urgency. And don’t forget to increase the Base Student Allocation for our schools.

Apparently, the governor and the Legislature — both sides of the aisle — can cooperate when their own best interests are at stake.

By the way, since the reason given for the huge pay increase is that for Alaska to recruit “talented” leaders whom we need to pay more, does that mean that the leaders we have now are not “talented?” Just asking.

— John Farleigh


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