Letters to the Editor

Letter: Socrates is smiling

Your ADN letters recently featured several letters from the STrEaM Academy students. The students wrote and elaborated on a wide variety of subjects, including history, civility, politics, racism and bigotry, inclusivity and the divisions in our society today.

In using the Socratic method, they explored the art of critical and analytic thinking, of differentiation and recognition of truth and truthfulness, of democracy and democratic ideals. Furthermore, they used and applied the art of open-ended, probing questioning — of our society, government, of truths and untruths in all forms of media, of those in power. Theirs is a powerful testimony to the value of public education for all.

I salute and congratulate their teacher for conveying this increasingly rare gift of inquiry and learning and, indeed, my thanks to every teacher who has exposed students to these concepts.

Surely the most esteemed Socrates would be pleased.

— Peter Mjos


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