Letters to the Editor

Letter: Propaganda exposed

Merriam-Webster defines oxymoron as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.” Examples are “deafening silence,” “controlled chaos,” “original copy,” and now “Fox News.”

The Dominion voting machine lawsuit has revealed that the executives and celebrity cast at Fox knew full well that the 2020 election was not stolen and that Donald Trump’s lies about massive voter fraud were false but continued to echo the former president’s bogus claims to avoid losing Trump-supporting viewers. The lawsuit has clearly exposed Fox for what it is and is not. It is not a legitimate news organization dedicated to fair and unbiased reporting. It is a far-right, conservative propaganda machine that has no more credibility than the state-sponsored media of North Korea, Russia or China.

Thankfully, there are still great news organizations, such as the Anchorage Daily News, with hard-working, ethical journalists dedicated to the pursuit of truth.

— Gary Griffeth


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