Letters to the Editor

Letter: Letter carriers for Pooch Cafe

Letter carriers want you to bring back Pooch Cafe. A letter carrier’s relationship with dogs is complicated. Who among us has not been threatened, or worse, by one of our canine “friends?” Dog safety is a frequent topic in periodic training talks. Nonetheless, many carriers keep doggie treats as close to hand as pepper spray, because dogs are the living beings that we encounter most often, and usually cordially.

How many times over the years, despite rain, snow, sleet and hail, did that little clipped bit of newsprint fun appear affixed to the Post Office time clock, or posted in the break room, lightening the load just a little? Whenever it was “Poncho vs. the Mailman,” for sure! We, the undersigned active and retired letter carriers, ask you to please throw us a bone: Bring back Pooch Cafe. Unleash the joy again.

— Kermit A. Arroyo, retired letter carrier

Rick Bryant, retired letter carrier

Addis M. Bugg, retired letter carrier

Sandra Canova, active letter carrier

Thomas Devros, active letter carrier, National Association of Letter Carriers branch president


Karen Maskarinec, retired letter carrier

Randolph L. Oldenburg, retired letter carrier

Jerome S. Pierce, retired letter carrier

Lou Santangelo, retired letter carrier

Susan M. White, retired letter carrier


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