Letters to the Editor

Letter: How dare you, governor

How dare Gov. Mike Dunleavy try to turn his personal, spiritual opinions into laws that take away the rights of all Alaska women? How dare he have Attorney General Treg Taylor sign on to a lawsuit to revoke the FDA’s approval of the so-called “abortion drug?” How dare Taylor sign a letter trying to convince companies that they shouldn’t be providing these drugs to Alaska women?

If you are against abortion, fine, marry women who agree with you. But how dare the party of “less government” try to restrict the choices that I, my daughters, my great-granddaughters, or any Alaska women have to control our bodies and manage our own families?

In Alaska, access to these drugs means choices for women in villages with very little medical help available. I find it even more hypocritical that once you limit a women’s choice to control her reproduction, you don’t back legislation to be sure that she and her family have access to affordable medical care through expanded Medicaid or enough food to feed her family.

I will never walk into a Walgreens again for any reason, nor will I vote for anyone who tries to take control of my most personal and intimate health decisions.

— Loren Karro


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