Letters to the Editor

Letter: NIMBY is the wrong acronym

Congratulations to the Anchorage Assembly for, ultimately, siding with Girdwood in rejecting a plan to build a sprawling subdivision in Girdwood. As an Assembly member told the chamber, “Residents of Girdwood have spoken with pretty much a singular voice. I would say to them, ‘Keep it up.’” Another pointed out, “the use of public land is for the benefit of the community.”

But some members disparaged our valley, decrying our cause as “NIMBY.” The easy slogan was a desperate gesture. The “Not In My Backyard” accusation, if taken at face value, suggests communities should not become involved in issues affecting their neighborhoods.

Indeed, a community council’s primary role is to ensure decisions made by a larger government or corporation will work best for their collective “backyard.” The NIMBY charge is a misplaced reaction to communities standing up for themselves. Maybe that is why Girdwood won resolutions of support from 20 Anchorage community councils.

Need a more appropriate acronym? How about NICE:  “Neighborhood Involvement and Community Engagement.” Next time, try NICE!

— Soren Wuerth


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