Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stop animal abuse

I am Veronika Walker, a 13-year-old seventh grade student at Anchorage STrEaM Academy. I am writing to say that animals are being abused in our city. And not just our city, cities all around the world. I have no personal experience with this other than that my mom got a cat that was from the animal shelter. My aunt got her cat after it was abandoned. Besides that, I don’t have any experience with an abused animal, nor do I have a pet at this moment.

The message I want to spread is that people need to stop abusing animals. Just imagine throwing out your mom because you don’t want to deal with her.

I have seen lots of videos that show abused animals. I saw in one video that there was a dog tied to a railroad track and a man risked his life to save the dog.

People have to be ready to spend lots of time with their animal, even if that means canceling plans! You can not just leave an animal at home and expect it to thrive on its own. Please spread the word that people have to be prepared for what animal ownership means.

— Veronika Walker


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