Letters to the Editor

Letter: Mind your manners on the internet

Hi, I’m Miles Berg, a 7th grader at Anchorage STrEaM Academy. I am writing to tell you of a side effect of the thing that rocked our world at the very start of 1983. Yeah, like you probably guessed, I’m talking about the internet. As much as I love the internet, it does have some kinks. These are covered up by all the good things it brings, so much that they’re practically invisible. Some of these problems are hackers, problems with not being active, and more. I want to bring some awareness to how we are impacting people’s lives from miles and miles away.

Think about this: How you react in a video game can make or break a person’s day. It can change someone’s life, for better or worse. If you think video games are places without consequence, but they are fully consequential to a person’s life.

You may think that what you say online in a game doesn’t matter, because they know that it doesn’t matter what a random person online thinks of you, but younger and younger people are going online, and many don’t know this lesson, or don’t care.

Why am I telling you about this? I’m wondering if you can help raise awareness of this problem. I know firsthand that you can make a difference with a few clicks of the keyboard.

— Miles Berg


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