Letters to the Editor

Letter: Join the Alzheimer’s fight

Thank you to Sen. Lisa Murkowski for taking the lead in the fight to end Alzheimer’s disease. Sen. Murkowski’s sponsorship of the National Alzheimer’s Project Act Reauthorization and the Alzheimer’s Accountability and Investment Act will advance the progress gained over the last decade by promoting research and enhancing the delivery of clinical care for people living with dementia.

We appreciate Sen. Murkowski’s leadership in the effort to address the rapid growth of dementia both in Alaska and across America. We now look to Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Mary Peltola and hope they will show their support for these important pieces of legislation.

The needs of the dementia community are not limited to the scope of national influence. The Alaska State Legislature must take action this year to improve the lives of Alaskans impacted by dementia. Alaska’s 12,000 family caregivers need improved and expanded respite services included in the operating budget. Direct care workers need access to dementia- specific training opportunities. Rural Alaskans and Alaskans who speak languages other than English need access to educational materials about dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association Alaska Chapter is committed to championing policy change that will help Alaskans who are living with dementia and those who care for them. Please join us.

— Josh Lonn, Sherri Roberds, Cindy Harris and Michelle Cassano

Board members, Alzheimer’s Association Alaska

Anchorage and Soldotna

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