Letters to the Editor

Letter: Mat-Su school bus strike

I am a student in Wasilla who goes to Teeland Middle School, and I am discussing the bus driver strike problem. The bus driver strike issue is bringing up many issues in the district. Teeland Middle School has a drop-off line that is already too long. The bus driver strike is nothing but an issue for the line. Trying to get 700 or more kids into a school in one line isn’t going to cut it.

The district, however, does not have a solution to this. That is just at the beginning of the day. Some parents who work two shifts, maybe even day and night, cannot pick up their children. The only way to get home for some kids is to resort to other kids who have a ride home. Some kids may have communication issues and/or are not very social, which will also not help.

Something that I am sure and passionate about is that we can change the way teachers/workers at school deal with this. There are so many kids at TMS, and the school says that there is not enough space for all the kids to stay, so they put us outside. I sat inside for a little bit to try to call my parents, but they say that we have to stay outside! I don’t know if this is a districtwide issue, but whatever it is, we need to change it.

More about the bus drivers, though: Why are they even on strike? I must admit, the bus company does not pay drivers anywhere near what they deserve. Most bus drivers in the Mat-Su get paid a wage that will not sustain their needs. I think that maybe younger adults should be allowed to drive, or maybe the bus companies should raise the paying prices.

I am not sure how many tax dollars go to the bus companies, but I don’t think that they are getting enough. I know, the more industries get from taxes the more you have to pay, but I think it is worth it for the schooling system. That is my full opinion on the bus issue.

— Thomas James O’Malley


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