Letters to the Editor

Letter: Energy goals

I agree with Tvetene Carlson’s statement that focusing on carbon sequestration over renewable energy puts the cart before the horse. I would add that energy efficiency is equally important, especially in light of the looming gas crunch in Cook Inlet.

This is not a call for Alaskans to sacrifice their rightful comforts, but rather for state leaders to help us all embrace more secure and prosperous living. They can do this by expanding statewide energy data access — enabling market actors to turn efficiency from a noble but limited exercise into a procurable and competitive energy resource while boosting local jobs.

A 2017 study indicates efficient homes in Anchorage sell for a 4.2% premium. A 2022 study by the National Renewable Energy Lab shows multiple paths for Alaska’s Railbelt to achieve 80% renewables while reducing annual fuel costs by $426 million to $506 million.

A casual study of seemingly every other roof in my neighborhood reveals telltale signs of an aging building stock that leaks energy like a sieve. (Ice dams, anyone?)

Who doesn’t want a warmer home that’s worth more and costs less to run on a cleaner grid while keeping cash in our state economy? Let’s get it done.

— Griffin Hagle-Forster


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